
The Sufi poet Rūmī once stated, "Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there." With Rūmī's words of wisdom in mind, we strive to hold a space of unconditional nonjudgmental compassionate care for all patient-clients.


As such, our therapeutic approach is to honor the strengths and uniqueness of each patient-client, which may call for multiple approaches to therapy, from psychodynamic to cognitive behavioral to neurotherapy. Hence, each session is custom tailored to each individual patient-client.


Moreover, through cultural humility, we believe patient-clients are experts on themselves. Accordingly, our role is to serve as therapeutic facilitators and to meet them where they are in whatever way works best for them. Likewise, using a reflective process, we work with patient-clients to help them attain and achieve whatever it is they need.


Let's journey together...